Feel free to contribute with whatever you considered bullshit today.

Bullshit allergy

Bullshit allergy


The Great Wall of China paradox

If the Great Wall of China can even be seen from space, how come it is that hard to find on Google Earth?


What the toilet experience should never look like

In the Museum für Moderne Kunst toilet stool in Frankfurt am Main. The lights get dimmer when one open's the stool door and the eerie music starts. Lights get even dimmer when the door is closed behind. To complete the excitement, the video projection on the floor starts when one sits on the toilet. It's difficult to get things scarier than that.



A medical journal issues a table that places drugs according to provoked dependence and physical harm. It seems as if they present the ones on the low left corner as safe(r) and harmless. Don't drink alcohol, use GHB..(?!)..


Fun vs desperate..?

The economic crisis has surreal effects on Greek citizens. Everybody is trying to deal with the problem in his own special way. Desperate people in a central square are demonstrating their frustration, and people are trying to relax by enjoying the summer breeze with a cocktail in a central cafe bar in Heraklion Crete. Ironically, these are the exact same people.


Hotels are (still) placing beds that nobody even has at home, on the beach.


Nestle has a defect banana baby product series with glass in it.